The concept of everyday carry has not penetrated our lives that well yet but that is one thing that would make everyone's trip outside the comfort of our homes a more comfortable.
The concept of EDC is about carefully choosing the stuff that one carries outside the home so as to make the trip outside productive and comfortable. For example, a Freelance designer travelling outside too meet clients carries
- Dotted grid diary
- Felt tip pen
- Design tablet or an iPad
- Collapsible water bottle
- Water resistant bag and satchel for the money and other related things
On preliminary levels, this list might seem very obvious but the details make it specifically more productive for a freelance designer, let us have a look.
- A dotted diary, would help a designer take and explain design ideas to the client; also in noting down visual briefs. The dotted grid diaries are known to have higher GSM pages, making them suitable for pen drawings.
- A felt tip pen has thickness responding to pressure applied, thus making it ideal for rough sketches and writing at the same time.
- A freelancer is expected to travel and wait for a good part of the day, thus makes carrying the design tablet everyday more productive.
- Water bottle makes sense for most of us, a collapsible one would work better for anyone travelling a lot.
- Frequent travel, carrying tech along and a diary with the client briefs, a water resistant satchel and bags makes for a great idea.
Have a look at my EDC, I am a media educator, run a content creation firm and our beloved StackMantle, this will help you establish logic of my EDC and hope to help you figure out yours too.

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