Yes you heard it right! Are you aware of a new feature of Facebook added since Feb 1st 2020? Some of you know it, but most of us do not even have the slightest idea about it. From the past 8 weeks, Facebook has been monitoring and tracking what you do offline when you're offline and not using Facebook.
The worst part is, it takes control over your entire offline activity. From websites you visit to apps you download and/or use. The data from these apps are logged on Facebook servers and are analysed? Guess what, why are they being analysed, for their business gains!
To know more about this activity you may visit but before you do that, first disable this feature. Your data is under the garbs of your privacy and should not be monitored and used by other people/person/organization.
How to disable this Feature?
- Open your Facebook app
- Go to Settings and Privacy
- In Settings and Privacy select Settings
- Scroll down till you see a section Your Facebook Information
- Click on Off-Facebook Activity
- Click on Manage your Off-Facebook Activity
- Before entering into this section you'll have to enter your Facebook Password then proceed (Yes, now you'll see your entire activity history)
- You may clear the Off-Facebook Activity history to remove all tracking history
- On top right you'll see a menu, click on it and you'll see more options
- Click on Manage Future Activity
- You'll be redirected to a new page, on bottom you'll see a button Manage Future Activity
- You can now turn off the feature which would stop the Facebook App to stop tracking your activity
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